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Selectmen Minutes 01/15/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, January 15, 2014

Members Present:  Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others present:  Mike Williams, Don Peterman, Jason Weir, Marlene Hammond, Norm Larochelle, Steve McCleary, Ed Millette, Matt Cole, Alan Quimby, Donna Chagnon,

Call to Order:  Mr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:00pm

Budget Discussion –

Warrant Article Review

#5 – Forestry – 77 Dodge Pick-up with a replacement cost up to $50,000. This is a replacement vehicle.

Mr. DeBold asked about any grant money that the town could be applying for. We have a grant writer in this town that may help with getting grants for the town.

Chief Quimby state that all of the grants for the fire department are extremely competitive and very difficult to write. They do look all the time but it is extremely time consuming.

Chief Quimby stated that the department really needs to look into an exhaust removal system for the station as we have people living there.

Recommendation - Budget Committee Recommend 3:3 split. Selectmen – Recommend 2:1

#6 Deposits into Capital Reserve Funds.

a.      Fire Department Breathing Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund        $30,000
Mr. DeBold stated he would like to see this taken out and work in earnest to get a grant for this item.
Mr. Weir stated his concern is how much will be need next year if they do not get grant and we do not put any money in.
Mr. DeBold stated that CIP made no deposits for the next two years and $30,000 in 2016 and 2017. Then in 2018 they will withdraw the amount as well as raise money from taxation.
Mr. Cole stated the CIP tries to weigh our options and tries to spread out the expenditures as best we can. This is truly the first year that roads were not a discussion point. We tried to use the larger item and spread it out as best we can.

Mr. DeBold asked if the 2018 a drop dead date for replacement.
Mr. Cole stated they will be expired at that point as they are 2002 air packs.
Mr. MacCleery stated he looks at this as this is a personal safety issue for the fire fighters. This is important funding.

b.      Fire Truck Capital Reserve Fund $50,000
This is a replacement due to be purchased in 2019.
Mr. Paveglio asked is there any way with all of the repairs that have been completed that the longevity of the truck as been expanded.
Mr. Millette no one can answer that questions with 100% certainty.
Mr. Weir stated that the people on the floor at town meeting need to be aware of what has been cut prior to any cuts happening.
Mr. Millett asked what happens if everything passes? I understand what you are saying but we also have a responsibility to present responsible budget.
Mr. Weir stated I would like to know what the need is. We need to know what those numbers are. I know we can’t afford the total but we should know about it. But I want to see the real numbers.

Mr. DeBold stated we are doing the right thing by trying to save money but it may not look like right thing. Is the 2019 a definite replacement? We are putting money into this truck and I would think that would give it some extra life.
Mr. Cole stated you are fixing rail problems and repairing some issues.
Mr. DeBold stated that the CIP has depositing $10,000 into the truck.
Mr. Jordan stated I do not think I we can lower it
Recommendation on lowering the amount deposited in this CRF:  Selectmen 1:2 not recommended

c.      Rescue Vehicle                              $ 60,000
Mr. Paveglio asked have you looked into a smaller version of the rescue.
Mr. Cole stated we have every option on the table and we are looking at the primary responsibilities on this truck. We are looking at the used market as well as the new market. We are currently exploring all of our options.

Mr. DeBold stated the vehicle is 25 years old are you having any major issues with the vehicle.
Mr. Cole stated the vehicle does not meet the needs of our department like it used too. The truck will not support a full system for refilling air packs. We have issues with the light tower and PTO failed and spring issues currently.
Mr. DeBold asked do we have another way to refill bottles at the scene besides the rescue vehicle.
Mr. Cole stated we have one at the station but we not have another portable one like the one that is on the truck.
Mr. DeBold stated we should be considering something smaller.
Mr. Weir stated I am just trying to figure out what we need to know.
Mr. Paveglio stated I think we need to give direction
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to reduce the requested amount from $100,000 to $60,000. Motion Passes
Recommendation Budget Committee Steve McCleary motioned Mike Williams seconded to recommend to reduce to $60,000. Motion Passes 6:1

d.      Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund $  7,500
Mr. DeBold stated these are matching fund for a grant that we are receiving. We are asking the town for matching funds for the $35,000 match funding. We are asking the town to contribute

e.      Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund                                                           $ 15,000

f.      Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund                                                      $ 10,000

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to move the $5,000 request from the library into the Town Facilities CFR. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Weir and seconded by Mr. Peterman to fully fund the fire truck with the money that was removed from the rescue vehicle. Motion Fails
Recommendation of Warrant Article #6:  Budget committee 7:0 and Selectmen 3:0
#7      A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to remove this warrant article. Motion Passes

#8      Vehicle maintenance expendable trust Warrant article. Mrs. Pinard will check the wording needs with DRA

A motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Millette to recommend this warrant article. Motion Passes
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to recommend this warrant article. Motion Passes

Recommendation of Warrant Article:  Budget committee 7:0 and Selectmen 3:0

#9      Creation of a Capital Reserve Fund utilizing NH Highway Block Grant monies  

Mr. Paveglio stated we should leave this the way it has always been

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to remove this warrant article. Motion Passes

#10     Lease Purchase for Loader/Backhoe for the Highway Department.
Mr. Paveglio stated that the road agent came to us and he said he could keep the excavator for another year and squeak by. But this did not leave a good feeling so we asked Jim to get some options for us to review. Jim felt this machine can now do what they need to be more versatile. Jim also said that he could rent a machine if he needed.

Mr. Weir stated that his concern was you cannot ditch with a backhoe/loader.

Mr. Jordan stated the excavator is beyond tired.

Mr. Weir asked if money can be removed from the Heavy Equipment CRF to make the first payment.

Mrs. Pinard will contact DRA and ask if that payment can come out of the CFR and have them review the warrant.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved January 21, 2014

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio